Monday 3 December 2018


If the video won’t open please click on the link beneath it. 

This blog is moving. I’m no longer able to put my photos up, so we found a new location. It should also be easier for you to “follow” the blog there. Please save the new link until I figure out how to load the follow function.

What is the status of this blog on this location? Well, I’ve never put it up on true “social media” myself, though a friend did once to my knowledge. That’s how you’re supposed to grow a readership. Nevertheless, the readership has grown, to 19200 + hits, in 2 years, and readers representing maybe 2/3 of the world’s countries, which has thrilled me. So did our valued guest writers. I didn’t know what they were going to write, and I loved that. 

Looking back, way back, to when I was on a huge website, I was a member of a community there that I loved. From time to time people said “you should start a blog”. For several years I didn’t have the confidence, until I was involved in a big, collaborative writing project. We pulled it off, so when I had the time, I took the plunge. Taking friends along for the ride from the old site, was the nucleus of the readership this blog has today. Many still read. I’m thankful for those, the ones that joined along the way, and the new ones. 

Nowadays, I am a member of a number of online communities. I believe making contacts online , hearing and seeing glimpses of how they live, widens my world, and that’s very important to me. We all live on this one planet, and we need to learn to understand each other. 

In return I share my world with you. I hope you all will come along for the ride. Why? Because I’m the one who wants to be with you. 

Mr Big-To be with you.

A big, big Thankyou, to everyone who was involved with the blog on this site. Comments here on the posts will remain open and I will reply. 

On my new blog there is a Home page, click on individual posts. Save this link!


Rina said...

Done. Wouldn't do to lose track of you.

Badger said...

Hay,,, wait for me I'm coming.

Jeanie said...

I'll check it out!

Running on empty said...

Thanks Jeanie! Badger, your comments did work, apparently I have to approve them, which I did! Thankyou.

Running on empty said...

Thankyou, Rina, I’m loath to lose track of you either after all these years!

Parnassus said...

Hello, I subscribed to your new blog address, but I cannot post comments on it. It seems that there is a setting on some Wordpress blogs (whose commenting system I hate!) that requires a reader to be signed in to his Wordpress account--otherwise no dice. The really annoying thing is that they don't tell you this until you have typed a long comment!

See if you can change this setting, so more of your readers can post comments.

Running on empty said...

Thanks for the feedback, Jim. I had the same problem the two years I was on Blogspot/Blogger. Those that didn’t want to sign into Google had to post under anonymous, I think. I will try to find the answer tomorrow. My teen is on school vacation starting then, so maybe she can figure it out. We are both on a learning curve though.

Parnassus said...

Hi, The comments still don't work on the new blog. I found this link to a Wordpress forum on the topic--perhaps it will help:


Running on empty said...

Thankyou, Jim! Only yourself and Pam were having trouble that have told me, I contacted WP and they want to know what error message you are receiving. My request timed out but I can contact him again. Still waiting on Pam who is busy this time of year. They said you can comment from WP, Facebook or email.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for stopping by!! I am finally starting to feel better.... Happy New Year to you and yours!

Bruce said...

I want to thank Mr Pedro via also on whatsapp number +393510140339 for granting me a loan of 2,000,000 Euro to expand my agriculture project. He works with a large investment loan company.
Thank you blog admin.