Friday 7 July 2017

HAMBURGER? Trudeau can bring his own buns.


 Russians had meat patties before Hamburg did.


The G20 summit is being held in Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany. The city has everything you could possibly wish for, and no shortage of things to do and experience.

Whereas NATO is about security, G20 is all about the money. They are hopeful to avoid another global financial crisis, but I think that's coming anyway.



The traditional Hamburg beef patties, were made with excellent local beef, crumbled bread and other ingredients. They were served without bread buns and with potato salad or hot potatoes and beans, or similar. Some versions had a gravy. The bread was added in America much later. 

So, where can you get a modern German burger in Hamburg? Well this place called Burgerlich seems to have good reviews 4 1/2 out of 5. I'm sure they won't mind me lifting pages off their website. They have vegetarian, fish, etc. I'm so hungry now, I know what I'm making for dinner tonight, but I think the traditional version!




Here's a chart from Wikipedia of the G20 member states. Other states get invited as guests, but the G20 is controversial for a number of reasons.


Here's a good quiz as this year's G20 gets underway, quick to do. I scored 4/ 10 lol. Tell your score in the comments. No cheating!

Travelling to Germany? 


Running on empty said...

What? Didn't anyone score higher than me?

Fizzfan said...

I was rubbish too. 4, and those were guesses.

Anyway, I liked the video.

Groaned when I found out so many places are commonly recognised by the names Brits gave them:(

Running on empty said...

Yes, most of us need to learn more about world affairs. Don't think the schools are teaching them, I was peeking when Ace did hers and she fared not much better than me. She pressed reset before getting her score, however. She is reading the newspaper more often these days, but if a video game is on offer, she won't.

Yes, it would seem better if we all knew countries by the name they call themselves, wouldn't it?