Monday 16 January 2017


"Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning. Red sky at night, shepherd's delight." Ancient saying.

In my more than 50 years I have never known this to be wrong. Have you? Pictures of tonight's sunset, which do not show it as red as the sky actually was, follow. Tomorrow's forecast is to be very hot. 


  • "The wise man chooses a partner who is attractive not only to himself, but to neighbourhood mosquitoes."


From Weatherzone site, in celcius:


Red Sunset poem by peteskid


Running on empty said...

Comments welcome

Kathy said...

Beautiful sunsets are inspiration for painters..

Running on empty said...

That's true. It's lucky Acerules was outside the supermarket with the dogs to witness it, while we were considering tuna varieties inside.

Unknown said...

I have never considered the variety of tuna... what was the final choice?

Running on empty said...

Lollollol! Well you should! He chose a bunch of Asian flavoured ones for his lunches and I chose the slightly more expensive 98% fat free sun-dried tomato and onion Greenseas tins! I am going to win this diet comp!!!!


Kathy said...

Geez, I thought the only tuna choices were albacore or light, oil or water....where have I been? I'd rather watch the sunset.

Running on empty said...

Can't you get flavoured sandwich tuna tins there?

Kathy said...

I have never seen it...maybe at specialty store but not in the regular supermarket

Running on empty said...

Lol, I will have to send a care package sometime, lol! I can just hear them at Customs. "Something fishy about this one, John!"