Friday, 6 January 2017

NEW YEARS EVE January 2016

On New Year's Eve we attended the 9.30 pm fireworks show at a local cricket /football ground. You will see in the photos, that Australian Rules football uses four goal posts. The fireworks raise money for the Club each year, and they are excellent. We got there a few hours early to enjoy a picnic dinner, including sweet foods and soft drink I was going to give up next day, to go on a diet. I am on a competition with friend Margo to lose the most weight, and I am going to win!! There were many entertainments for the kids, including music, dancing and a jumping castle, henna tattoos etc. 
The pics were taken early, the grounds filled up with people by nightfall. Included is a pic of one of our dogs from earlier that day.

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Copyright Acerules

Copyright Acerules

Copyright Acerules

Copyright Acerules


 Copyright Acerules

What am I afraid of in 2017?  Probably a worldwide recession, worse than the last one. Wars. Sickness in my family. Losing my elderly Dad. 

What would I like to happen in 2017? Well I'm not a beauty queen contestant, (sorry, Donald, ) but I'd have to start with Peace on Earth. Let the refugees get to go home and rebuild, with the rest of us helping as much as we can. Some cures for disease would be great too. 

I'd like to sell my books. That would involve finishing them. Play piano more. 

For my family I would like good health and enough money to pay the bills and some left over. 

For my friends, I would hope in 2017 that you allow me to keep loving you, because I think you're awesome. Thankyou for being there in 2016, friends and family, I couldn't have lasted without you. I think for alot of people it was a tough year. Let's look forward.

God help us all in 2017.  

Q. What would you like, and what New Year resolutions did you make? What did you do to bring the New Year in? Tell me in the comments, and don't forget to follow my blog down the bottom of the page!



Running on empty said...

Hi, please chat nicely here!

Kathy said...

Hi Cath, Hi All
I hope all your resolutions materialize. The only resolution I made was to try to lose approx 15 lbs before I go to Florida, mostly so my clothes would fit better. I am really blessed to be tall....5'8" but I never appreciated it til my 50s when the weight started sticking on me. Luckily I had a job that required a lot of walking,,,then I lost a lot of weight with chemo but it has come back over the years with a vengeance. So, because of my back problems I am thinking it would help to take off a few lbs and quit the junk food as a result..snacks are my biggest temptation. Chips, cookies, coffee cake, donuts.....the only thing I don't like are CHEETOS!

Do you get eggs from your chooks? Or do you raise them and eat the chooks? Please say no....
My SIL used to have Ginny you know what those are? They have a tiny little head and a big body. Imthinkmshenkept them to keep down the ticks and chiggers as they lived in the woods. They roost in the trees and make a great alarm/racket if someone came down the road. They also used to come on the deck at mealtime and peck on her doorwall.

Talk later....

Kathy said...

Hi Cath, Hi All
I hope all your resolutions materialize. The only resolution I made was to try to lose approx 15 lbs before I go to Florida, mostly so my clothes would fit better. I am really blessed to be tall....5'8" but I never appreciated it til my 50s when the weight started sticking on me. Luckily I had a job that required a lot of walking,,,then I lost a lot of weight with chemo but it has come back over the years with a vengeance. So, because of my back problems I am thinking it would help to take off a few lbs and quit the junk food as a result..snacks are my biggest temptation. Chips, cookies, coffee cake, donuts.....the only thing I don't like are CHEETOS!

Do you get eggs from your chooks? Or do you raise them and eat the chooks? Please say no....
My SIL used to have Ginny you know what those are? They have a tiny little head and a big body. Imthinkmshenkept them to keep down the ticks and chiggers as they lived in the woods. They roost in the trees and make a great alarm/racket if someone came down the road. They also used to come on the deck at mealtime and peck on her doorwall.

Talk later....

Running on empty said...


It's best not to buy the junk and snacks unless it's a special occasion. Then I give platefuls to people to take home. If it's here I will eat it. My dieting is going well since the Christmas food ran out.

Our chooks are a big breed, because we have Jack Russell dogs that are bred to kill small creatures. I will put the chooks up on the blog sometime. The ginny ones sound cute and useful.
All our animals have a job to do, the cats get rodents, the dogs protect us all from predators, the chooks give eggs in the warmer seasons, and peck up pests, the ducks eat snails. No, we don't eat them for meat, no. In a war or economic depression situation it would be different. Plus all of them are therapeutic for my family. They cost a fair bit to feed, but I think it's worth it.

Running on empty said...

Ugggh, at 9.40 am here it was 33 deg celcius - 91.4 f. It is supposed to be 37/38 again today.