Tuesday 28 February 2017


"Drama is very important in life: You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama if it's done right. Even a pancake. "
Julia Child

The tradition of cooking pancakes on Shrove Tuesday began to use up the eggs and butter that would not be consumed in some communities during lent.  Although these are no longer given up in most Western Christian churches nowadays, the tradition continues, including where I am in Australia. 

Just reminiscing, when I was a young adult I used to like to go to the Pancake Parlour in Melbourne sometimes with friends.  My favourite dinner there was crepes done with a bolognese sauce. I see on TripAdvisor that they are still going and have a good gluten free range for those who need that.

As a child growing up in Australia, I don't remember maple syrup on pancakes, we had jam or golden syrup. Mum made her own jam, from our own apricots, or fruit she was given. We could also have squeezed lemon and sugar. A variation of pancakes that she taught we kids to make , any time of year, were pikelets, a small pancake, made on the electric frypan. Usually consumed for afternoon tea. 



English: A pancake race in Olney, Buckinghamshire
By Lestalorm







Healthier pancakes 160 calories

allrecipes whole wheat blueberry pancakes link

Acerules has a vegan friend. Here is a vegan recipe for pancakes. Check the reviews for customisation tips

allrecipes vegan pancakes link

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